Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday! Making Dolls...

Hi there!  I've been working on some dolls today...with success I must say.  One is close to complete...I'll try to post it tomorrow or the next day.  There's another, larger one that's perhaps half or a little more than half done.  The body is sewn together, but since they are prototypes, I have no idea exactly what I'm doing to them, or how they're bound to turn out.  I'm just winging it!  But am really liking the one doll quite a bit; her head is attached! and she is mainly canvas body, blue scarf...quite a cutie.  There's one head I've started...the bodies and heads are separate...and she's gonna be a geisha with crazy awesome hair.  I can't wait to post them!!! 

Also came up with a great idea for a purse today...and found the perfect fabric with which to carry out said idea right here in my stash.  It's some really pretty vintage fabric...I have a plain purse that I bought forever ago, just for the's been waiting for it's time to shine!  Waiting for that cool fabric I just bought back in August.  Am planning on using some art quilting techniques on it too...some things I already know, and some I'm hoping to learn in my class with Danita.

Well, I'm off to Stockley Gardens art show and several other things tomorrow.  Am hoping for nice weather and to see lots of great art!

Take Care, Cynthia

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